Nest Hello Launch!
The Nest Hello is the most anticipated smart video doorbell launch since the original Ring burst on the scene. Nest, famous for their thermostats and now owned by Google, makes sleek well designed products that integrate with Google Home. The integration means that when someone presses the doorbell, it can be set to “ring” every Google Home or Google Home mini in your home. Pretty cool.
Just like most smart doorbells, though, they are designed to work with traditional doorbell transformers that (hopefully) currently exist in your home. As a result, if you do not have a working doorbell (over 50% of homes) or have an old doorbell transformer, Nest doesn’t think you deserve a Hello. Cold shoulders all around.
We disagree!
We acquired one of the first Nest Hellos to hit the market and created a power supply so anyone can quickly and easily install a Nest Hello.
The Nest has a couple of tricky power issues, but we handled them easily. As with all our power supplies, our power supply compatible with the Nest Hello is short protected, resettable and designed to make sure your Nest Hello is properly powered.
Buy it right here at on
And as always, if you have any questions reach out to
Keep Smiling!